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Rider Waite Tarot

Tarot has been a diagnostic tool for ages and guides the seeker to see the deeper layers of truth which need to be uncovered. Though the perception about Tarot is only about predicting the future, but the truth is that Tarot reading can help a person to find the inner blocks for moving forward in their lives. Also, it is a tool that can be used to receive Divine guidance on re-connecting with your soul and divinity within.
Tarot cards help a person to get in touch with their higher self thereby acting as a bridge between the Divine voice and the seeker. Hence, as a reader I recommend people to go beyond seeking advice only for the future. Rather, get in touch with the present moment and understand the soul plan at play. Each of us wants to progress in our lives. And with Tarot reading is our chance to move forward in all the directions of our lives whether it is financial growth, improving relationships or perhaps moving ahead spiritually.
Tarot Reading does not tell you the decisions you need to take. But it tells you about the possibilities depending on the choices you make. It simply gets you to touch base with your subconscious mind and the way it is working.

Here are the areas where Tarot Reading can be really helpful:

I encourage my seekers to go beyond the current problems at hand and ask Tarot to guide you for bringing in peace and love in all the aspects of your life. My intention with Tarot Reading is to help the seeker achieve overall well-being and not just in one particular area of life. It is a tool which can be readily used for immediate reach to the core of the issue. I welcome one and all to experience the magic of Tarot Reading enhancing their experience with Divinity.

Energy Exchange : Rs. 6500 /-

Everyone is welcome on this amazing journey of learning Rider Waite Tarot. This course will help to discover you and also help others while on this journey. The invitation is to learn:
This course is offered in person as well as on skype. On skype, upon complete payment, you will receive an email with the complete course contents. And 7 sessions of 2 hours each will be taken to complete the course.

For the course to be done in person, you can call me or email me for more details.

Energy Exchange: 15,000 INR
With the Deck: 16500